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b.offshore GmbH has won the contract for the installation of two reverse osmosis plants on the BorWin Beta in March 2021. The contract comprised the modification concept, the dismantling of the old plant and the integration of two new drinking water generators, including the associated foundations, pipework and electrical connections.

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b.offshore GmbH received the order for the planning and installation of a wastewater plant on the BorWin Gamma converter station from the grid operator TenneT in August 2021.

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b.offshore GmbH will carry out for TenneT Offshore GmbH the periodic inspections in accordance with DIN VDE0105-100 for fixed low-voltage electrical systems and equipment for all offshore grid connection systems installed in the German North Sea (EEZ) from 2022, as part of a three-year maintenance contract. This contract also includes the associated onshore transformer stations, in addition to the offshore installations.

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A particular challenge was the protection of the immediate assets such as high-voltage and telecommunications cables and the systems that were already in operation. Flexible constructions made of system profiles were installed in the smallest of spaces in order to avoid hot work. b.offshore also planned, delivered and installed the HV cable wall penetrations. In total, more than 5 tons stainless steel installed.


b.offshore was supported in the planning and manufacture of the cable support systems by the Oglaend company, as well as in the offshore installation work by the Krebs group.

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As part of a three-year maintenance contract, b.offshore GmbH will take over the maintenance and troubleshooting of diesel generators on the offshore substation of the wind farms Amrumbank, Nordsee Ost and Arkona Becken Südost for RWE Renewables GmbH from 2021.

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With 2020 drawing to a close, it’s a good time to look back in review. "We had numerous very diverse offshore deployments this year", says b.offshore director Thomas Pontow, and highlights three particular projects.

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b.offshore GmbH carried out the comprehensive underwater inspection of the DolWin Gamma converter station in June 2020, under the commission of GE Grid GmbH.

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In May 2020, b.offshore received the order to design, manufacture and installation of an mobile heavy duty lifting system for the installation of the container system (modular living quarters) at BorWin Beta OSS from ELA Container Offshore GmbH.

In addition to the design, documentation and manufacturing of the assembly concept including the structural calculation, b.offshore has executed the offshore installation of the container system.

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b.offshore has recently been awarded a contract for the supply of a temporary power supply (TPS) system for offshore wind energy installation for the duration of the construction phase. The contract was awarded by Yunneng Wind Power Co., Ltd for the Taiwanese “Yunlin” offshore wind park, located approximately 8 km off the westcoast of Taiwan, boasting 80 wind turbines in the 8 MW class for a combined total of 640 MW. The water depth for the monopile foundations ranges from 8.5 m to 38 m.

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In June 2019, the surveying experts of b.offshore GmbH were commissioned to retrofit a rotor hub mounting device at the new production site of the Siemens Gamesa offshore wind turbines in Cuxhaven. On site, a frame for rotor assembly was measured, rebuilt and aligned.

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